Our story


reDesignED bridges education theory and practice through education design research (EDR). Our design interventions are dedicated to solving real world educational challenges through evidence-based principles and practices. We work with our partners to create a more equitable, resilient, and sustainable future of learning that prepares learners to thrive in a world of rapid change.


Our vision is a model in which education is empowering learners to become the agents of change they wish to see in the world. This learner-centered vision is achievable today through the thoughtful design of authentic learning experiences that connect learning to the significant environmental, technological, demographic, socio-political and economic shifts on the horizon. It sets as its overarching goal to inspire and enable learners to design a future in which wellbeing for themselves, their communities, the environment, and the planet are possible.


We work to arrive at equitable and sustainable solutions. Consequently,

  1. we design with people not for people. Our approach is collaborative, iterative, and respects local knowledge
  2. we center the voices of those who are directly impacted by the outcomes of the design process
  3. we aim for sustainable, community led, and -controlled outcomes
  4. our design interventions are grounded in learning sciences research
  5. we share design knowledge and design products with the communities we serve
  6. before seeking new design solutions, we look for what is already working at the community level

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