Design and Development
Our design and development services support your targeted initiatives: reDesign of existing courses and programs, Conversion into multimodal delivery, New program development, meeting Accreditation requirements, etc.
Case Study
reDesigned existing courses to follow evidence-based learning design principles. Designed multi-week authentic learning experiences and performance-based assessment that addressed course-level outcomes and future-facing skills.

Case Study
Converted an evidence-based recovery training for health care practitioners from face-to-face delivery to our multimodal OneDesign approach that accommodates: flipped, blended, and fully online delivery.

Case Study
New program development
Designed and developed a blended Health Services Management program aligned to industry standards and in collaboration with an industry advisory board.

Case Study
Reviewed, revised, and redesigned a Construction Management program and mapped program-level competencies in preparation for accreditation. Generated learning outcomes analytics on program competencies to ease review and agile program redesign.