I had the great fortune of onboarding to a new teaching position at the University of Minnesota in a department where Christiane provided thought leadership and strategy for new instruction practices. I already had deep expertise in cloud technologies. Christiane brought a broad understanding of the cloud but quickly engaged me to explore where this tool could bring diversity to our instruction techniques. From that start point she also pulled together an approach that would let us use a cloud platform in classroom instruction to bolster a recently started accreditation evaluation. Under Christiane’s leadership the quarterly department meetings became a spawning ground for innovation. I was lucky to have been able to work under Christiane’s energy and leadership. I knew a great deal about cloud technology and security. But it was Christiane’s enthusiasm and energy around instruction as an innovative discipline that made me a far better instructor. It is almost a cliché to talk about the rapid innovative cycles around cloud technology. It is rare to come across someone of Christiane’s caliber who sees the same possibilities for education and instruction.
Christiane is a brilliant thinker and practitioner, having helped me over a period of several years to implement a comprehensive learning outcomes assessment program for our entire construction management curriculum, and other programs within the College of Continuing and Professional Studies at the University of Minnesota. Her work was cited by the University level outcomes directorate as leading the University. Further, she was responsible for bringing a very high level of quality across all courses - face-to-face, blended/hybrid and fully online - to our learning platforms in both Moodle and then Canvas, guiding her staff and our faculty to produce consistently high quality in our e-learning platforms. And last, but not least, her PhD research around authentic assessment, which showed that the learning design directly affects what a student learns, has led to measurable improvements in our overall program outcomes. Her work was specifically cited as excellent by our recent ABET accreditation site visitor team. I cannot provide any higher a recommendation for her to assist others in their pursuit of educational excellence.
Christiane is a true innovator in education. We worked together at the University of Minnesota to build a Health Services Management program tailored to key competencies in the Health Services industry. Christiane was an active partner working with our industry advisory board to identify program-specific competencies and labor market skills that define excellence and innovation in our field. Her assessment expertise allowed us to track multiple levels of outcomes: program-level competencies and higher order skills through the learning management system and generate learning analytics on these skills. This innovation eased an otherwise arduous process of curriculum mapping and program review. The HSM program grew to over 230 students in four years with experiential and competency based courses, 56% diversity in our students, excellent faculty, great internships and jobs post college. Thank you Christiane for your great vision, knowledge, innovation and partnership!