Christiane is a brilliant thinker and practitioner, having helped me over a period of several years to implement a comprehensive learning outcomes assessment program for our entire construction management curriculum, and other programs within the College of Continuing and Professional Studies at the University of Minnesota. Her work was cited by the University level outcomes directorate as leading the University. Further, she was responsible for bringing a very high level of quality across all courses - face-to-face, blended/hybrid and fully online - to our learning platforms in both Moodle and then Canvas, guiding her staff and our faculty to produce consistently high quality in our e-learning platforms. And last, but not least, her PhD research around authentic assessment, which showed that the learning design directly affects what a student learns, has led to measurable improvements in our overall program outcomes. Her work was specifically cited as excellent by our recent ABET accreditation site visitor team. I cannot provide any higher a recommendation for her to assist others in their pursuit of educational excellence.