
Culturally-responsive teaching by design: From principles to practice

Educators are welcome to charter their own personalized learning path by self-enrolling into Level 1, 2, and 3 of the learning progression.

Research about professional learning, however, finds that teachers working together for  a sustained amount of time dedicated to their content areas is most effective and related to student gains (Darling-Hammond, Hyler, & Gardner, 2017). It is therefore ideal when teachers complete the L1, L2, L3 learning progression as a team.

  • Level 1: Learn addresses the knowledge dimension in which educators demonstrate their understanding of the principles and practices of culturally-responsive teaching. (Modules 1-5)
  • Level 2: Interpret addresses the application dimension in which educators reflect and discuss how to adopt CRT principles and practices in developmentally appropriate ways in their own classrooms. (Modules 6-10)
  • Level 3: Create addresses the synthesis dimension in which educators design and develop developmentally appropriate CRT learning experiences for learners in their own classrooms. (Modules 11-15)